Poland today, Mexico tomorrow
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Weicon on the road again
Gdansk and Guadalajara
Currently, Weicon employees are in Guadalajara, Mexico, almost 10,000 kilometers away, at a tool trade fair. The Muenster-based company is one of only five European companies that have made the trip and are represented at the event.
Earlier this week, the adhesives manufacturer's trade show team was at an event in Gdansk to present products for the marine sector.
15 trade shows in four months
In addition to two trade shows in its home country Germany, Weicon's team will be at thirteen international events through the end of the year. Among others, the trade fair calendar takes them to Moscow, Milan, Madrid, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Nur-Sultan in Kazakhstan.
The trade shows cover a wide range of different industrial sectors. From mechanical engineering, electronics and plastics technology, to innovations in the adhesives industry and maritime shipping - it's all here.
"We have been presenting our products at numerous trade shows for decades now. It's really good to be on the road again after such a long time and to exchange ideas with trade visitors. The personal contact was simply missing"; says Ralph Weidling, CEO of Weicon.
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